Tuesday 19 August 2014

It can't come soon enough....

I have been talking about this holiday for what seems like forever and even though it is still a few weeks away I already have in the back of my mind when if I could go back I would; most of the people I know just don't get it but I am lucky to be blessed with a few Disney obsessed in my life who will understand that if you are not waiting for a holiday to come round, you are either at Disney or planning your next visit

Right now work is pretty manic so watching my countdown slowly change colour as we mark off the days gives me something to smile about during the day; well that and the fab picture of James I have in my calendar (it's one of those ones you can slot photos into). I love taking random pictures of James and he is always happy to oblige in pulling a face or wearing something random - like this one (I know most people have seen this by now and even though I posted it on a Disney website he will still ask me; did you have to put that up again?)

Another reason our holiday needs to be like now is the weather we are having; its August but it feels like October (I am still not putting my flip flops away in protest) and the shops are already full of jumpers - what is that all about?

So what kind of weather am I expecting to have whilst I am in lovely Florida? Well warmer than here for certain; as a guide they are saying it will be about 80 degrees but with weather forecasting you never can tell and if we are lucky it could even be warmer (although it will still be odd experiencing Christmas when it's warm at MVMCP)

Anyway what planning have I done this week, I had to go to a meeting yesterday so took a lovely 2 hour bus trip which gave me plenty of time to listen to podcasts; I had been pondering about posting a question on the dibb about how I would calculate what 60 days prior to my trip was ( I know what you are thinking just count it) for booking our Fastpass + because I wasn't sure if it was ......well I just wasn't sure if my date was right

It was like fate when they started talking about trip planning tools that are available on the dibb which includes a Fastpass + date calculator (yay) and just in case you are even bothered the date the website said is the date I thought it was; it's the OCD thing again

That made me curious as to what other planning tools are available and wow if you want to plan every second of your trip including when you can go to the toilet;  I reckon you could find that on the net.....I'm just happy that I will know what parks I will be visiting each day and even more appealing is that I can change my mind if I want to

On that note, I'm off to find a jumper; until next week xxx

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Where has the week gone....

I have no idea what has happened this week and to be honest I couldn't even tell you what day of the week it is; I am more than a little tired. So I am pretending it's Monday for the purposes of writing this (which seems to be the day I post this each week) so it's not late

Although, if I am being honest that doesn't really work when I know that this time in so many weeks I will be at Gatwick waiting for them to start making the boarding announcements for our flight with that mixture of excitement and sheer terror

Isn't it strange how something so routine as taking a flight can cause so many different emotions and feelings! But as said before I am a worrier so it's not surprising that I don't like something I have no control over

It's like the warning signs posted at all theme parks; you know the ones don't ride if you are pregnant, suffer from motion sickness etc. They put the fear of god in me but I know that they are for a very good reason having read Disney's accident stats for last year and the number of people who felt unwell after rides or fell over (they look a lot worse than they are - and after all Disney are not required to make this information public they chose too)

I clearly remember being in the queue for Soarin for the first time and reading the rider information; I will admit to being a little bit scared and thinking that I might just need to take the chicken exit out of there (every ride has one of them and although I don't really like the term chicken exit what else could you call it?)

So we get on the ride and I checked, checked and probably checked my safety belt another twenty times before the ride began and then spent the next few minutes hanging on for deal life. And boy am I glad that I just decided to go for it and didn't let my feelings of fear get the better of me. We have ridden that ride quite a few times now and there are no more white knuckles for me and I can't wait to do it again this year; everytime I smell oranges I am taken back there

So the moral of this story is; and I need to take my own advice here sometimes in life you just need to take a chance and do something because you never know you might like it (of course that does not apply to flying on little planes because they are just wrong and you will not persuade me any different) xxxx