Sunday 29 December 2013

At least no one lost their marbles....

Ok I failed, I promised to try and blog last week but as I said it was the blokes birthday Sunday which kind of took priority; I did consider doing it Monday but what with working in a supermarket and the freaky weather we had it never materialised but I'm here now full of my usual random thoughts.......

So James had a birthday, one of those milestone ones (my lovely toy boy turned 40); a while ago in one of our normal off the wall conversations he mentioned that as soon as you turn 40 you lose your marbles - well that comment stuck with me considering I'm older than him! Guess what he got for his first birthday present - yep marbles; worryingly though I'm not sure I have seen them since the big day so maybe he was right (sometimes this happens you know)
The days are finally ticking down on not only our holiday countdown but also 2013's days are numbered; this year has had some fantastic highs including a bonus trip to Walt Disney World, my £2 wedding ring being replaced with a tiffany silver band, spending precious moments with my amazing family and friends - and so the list could go on

As for work I can definitely say I am happy that 2013 is coming to an end, it's been a tough year where colleagues who I have worked with for years left the business and everything changed; although there have been a couple of high points - being voted colleague of the year made me quite emotional (but as Emmie Lou would tell you that's not difficult considering tv programmes also have the same effect). I have everything crossed (including my eyes) that 2014 will be a little easier, although working in retail you can never tell...

What else happened in 2013, well as this is a blog normally based around my love of all things Disney World lets cover some of the highlights:
- Disney launched the my Disney Experience app to help you plan your holiday
- Magic bands were announced and are currently being trialled, the band replaces the Key to the World card and can act as your room key, be used for charging, is your park ticket, holds your Fastpass reservations and can be used as your photopass
- Merida from Brave became the 11th Disney princess
- A talking Mickey Mouse began greeting guests at Magic Kingdom (is it wrong that I can't wait to see this in person?)
- And my favourite - glow with the show ears came to WDW (some of these are coming home with me even if I have to wear them home on the plane)
What Disney dreams are coming for 2014 - well the biggest one to think of is that Bungle, Emmie Lou and I are returning and today we reached a milestone and finally managed to view our reservation on the Disney app as well as pick up our airline log in code; yay!!!!(I keep logging in just to see it there)

As for park news apart from the opening of the Seven Dwarfs Mine Coaster and the ongoing work creating Avatar land who knows what is going to happen; all I do know is that it will be magical.

So as the clock ticks slowly by all that's left to do is wish you a happy new year, here's to a good one xxx

Sunday 15 December 2013

It smells a little like.......strawberry ice cream?!?!

There are lots of things that evoke memories; sights, sounds and also smells....while the bloke is off out for his work Christmas dinner I am enjoying a chilled evening at home with the xfactor on tv, a glass of cherryade (yep I'm on the hard stuff tonight) and a lovely yankee candle burning

Now you would think that with Christmas 10 sleeps away that I would be burning something festive, but no I am a rebel and I have chosen Summer Scoop; it smells so amazing but boy does it make me want to eat strawberry ice cream - and I don't even like the stuff!

So what smell could I have burnt that would make me think of Christmas, if only yankee candle did a sage and onion stuffing candle we'd be sorted. Seriously a smell that now always reminds me of Christmas is cinnamon, I was never a fan of eating it and don't even get me started on how wrong cinnamon toothpaste is (Emmie Lou orange is good, as is foaming toothpaste!) but now I can't help but smell cinnamon and get all festive

I love opening the door at the Days of Christmas shop and as the chill of the air conditioning hits you so does the smell of cinnamon, there are some smells associated with this time of year that really don't float my boat and that includes sprouts and the relevant after effects (especially when the person creating said smell has also eaten pickled onions, beetroot and parsnips!)

There are other smells that remind me of Florida, it's totally indescribable but that smell as you walk off the plane - I would associate it with wet dog (you know what I'm talking about, it just smells damp).  How I wish I could be there now where it's 80 degrees instead of listening to the wind and rain here, well that would be perfect as long as my nearest and dearest are with me

So what would I be doing whilst there, I don't want for much really I said to James I would be happy if I could go and meet Rapunzal (yes, grown ups like characters too - just for that brief moment you can think like a child and believe in anything you want) and after that I would want to see Wishes (wouldn't that be a good Christmas present?)

Next Sunday the love of my life has a little birthday and sadly we also have to work so next weeks blog maybe a little late but fear not I am sure I will be full of Christmas cheer - I'm off to find me some ice cream xxxx

Monday 9 December 2013

Ok so I'm a little late....

Today is not Sunday, so what am I doing here.....well yesterday I had every intention of writing this weeks post but I was so tired I could hardly keep my eyes open Sod's law as soon as I get into bed I was wide awake and I struggled to get to sleep at all so I should be grateful that James forgot to change the alarm so I got an unexpected lay in (how confused have I been today, waking up that quick really threw me)

So what am I also late for.....thanksgiving; yes I know we don't celebrate it here but I think we should - after all we should never be to busy to be thankful either for something that someone has done or just for having that special person in your life 

Last week I got nominated for an award at work by a store manager which was really sweet, but the last thing I expected was to get picked as a winner because I was just doing my job - but I now have a certificate hanging on my wall saying colleague of the year 2013 (and if I do say so myself it's a pretty cool certificate; I did a good job there - I promise I didn't create an award for myself it's just part of my job is to make the certificates for regional awards)

A little thank you can go a long way,  whether thanking a person who holds a door open for you (my parents taught me good manners) or recognising someone is doing a good job. There is a lot we can learn from the Americans about service and recognition, especially the Disney company after all the US government sent some of their customs teams to view their training (they still scare me though - they have guns and everything)

So, I still have Christmas and birthday shopping left to do and I definitely need to pack my patience when I go out to do it (now I just need to get the love of my life to give me some ideas....yes that's you mr marchant) and remember my own advice and say thank you for good service and be thankful that I have the people I love to spend my time with 

I'm off to make sure the alarm is set for the right time tomorrow, sorry for the short blog this week xxx

Sunday 1 December 2013

And so the madness begins.....

So it's finally December which means silly season has commenced, today operation christmas shopping in earnest began ; there was just one problem it would appear that half of Kent had the same idea so we all trotted off to Ashford outlet.

We arrived just after it opened, or when we thought it opened - only us Brits can make something like shopping complicated. All of the small shops opened at 11am but the bigger shops opened for browsing at 11.30 but no sales until midday; who came up with that bright idea - obviously some numpty sitting in an office.

We made the wise decision and parked in the overflow car park straight away otherwise we could have wasted  most of the day trying to find a car parking space, but once done we were ready and raring to go. If only everyone else had that mentality, I ended up walking out of one shop because even though the queue was nearly out of the door the person on the till was having a good old chat with one of their friends?!?!?!

I don't know why shopping over here makes me so angry, when it's one of my favourite things to do in Florida; most of the time it's very civilised. I say most of the time, but last week it was Black Friday; this happens the day after thanksgiving and Black Friday gets its name as it is traditionally the day businesses go from in the red to in the black.

This year this American tradition came to the UK which involves retailers offering some amazing discounts; the only thing is this can bring out of the worst in people and there were fights and I think a couple of arrests.  That's not my kind of shopping, although I do love a mooch round the Orlando Premium Outlets looking for a bargain (please note James I said mooch and not dawdle cause you're wasting my precious shopping time). Can't wait to have Emmie Lou keeping me company when we go next year!

People are always surprised that I will happily take time out of the theme parks to go shopping and although I can't believe this is coming out of my mouth considering my Disney addiction but taking a day out whether it's to go shopping or going to a water park  can do a lot for your sanity.

So what are the best bargains to be had, that all depends on what you like - personally my best saving has been on perfume; I don't have expensive taste in perfume but I can tell you it definitely smells nicer knowing you paid approx £8 per bottle instead of £30......just remember your duty free allowance is only £390

I would say its definitely worth doing your research and finding out where and what the best savings are on, I found that Chamilia and Pandora are normally the same price in dollars as they are in pounds ( if a bead is £30 you will normally pay $30; of course there are exceptions but its a good guide)

All this talk of shopping and I've hardly made a dent in my Christmas shopping so I guess I'd best go and make a start as this online lark; its so much more civilised and who cares if I'm in my pyjamas with no make up on
