Tuesday 16 December 2014

Time for a change......

I never intended on talking about my life in this blog; it was always my plan to talk about my love for Disney. But sometimes life just happens to throw you a curve ball and what takes place effects everything......I vowed that I would blog once a week but the past few weeks have been pretty trying which has meant I haven't been in the right mind to do that and I need to explain why.

Two weeks ago I made the tough decision that due to changes within my job role that I would leave my current employer, so now I am in a complete dilemma about what I am going to do with my life; now if I had my way it would be a no brainer and I would go and work for Disney after all at least I could wear mouse ears without anyone questioning my decision

Seriously I have absolutely no clue what I am going to do with myself, I love the job I do and consider myself good at it but will other people think that? How can I make others see in me, what I struggle to see in myself?

Actually what am I good at; I am sure James would say driving him to distraction and to be quite honest the feeling is completely mutual ( love you mr marchant) but you can't put that along with the other things that come to mind on my CV

  • I can make anyone appear normal because after all I am the first to admit I'm a little odd
  • I am an expert on the film Tangled and was very pleased with myself that I got a perfect score on the lyric quiz
  • I am creative and love making stuff - some more successful than others (actually while I'm on this subject in a shop I saw a bracelet that was being sold for £12 and all I could think was I could make that for a fraction of the price....if only I could make a living out of it)
  • I have a love of all things for Walt Disney World and could spend hours talking about it, researching it and generally being absorbed by it - and I know this sounds harsh but it's probably true that I am too old to be a travel agent
  • I love ice cream and if it wasn't for the fact too much dairy is not good for an asthmatic I would put myself forward to Ben and Jerrys to be a taster 
  • And I would say my best quality is being incredibly loyal; but again probably not something that could go on a CV
So right now I am up for any suggestions that anyone has taking into account my unique skill set.....all sensible (or otherwise) options considered. Let the door to my new life open


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