Sunday 15 December 2013

It smells a little like.......strawberry ice cream?!?!

There are lots of things that evoke memories; sights, sounds and also smells....while the bloke is off out for his work Christmas dinner I am enjoying a chilled evening at home with the xfactor on tv, a glass of cherryade (yep I'm on the hard stuff tonight) and a lovely yankee candle burning

Now you would think that with Christmas 10 sleeps away that I would be burning something festive, but no I am a rebel and I have chosen Summer Scoop; it smells so amazing but boy does it make me want to eat strawberry ice cream - and I don't even like the stuff!

So what smell could I have burnt that would make me think of Christmas, if only yankee candle did a sage and onion stuffing candle we'd be sorted. Seriously a smell that now always reminds me of Christmas is cinnamon, I was never a fan of eating it and don't even get me started on how wrong cinnamon toothpaste is (Emmie Lou orange is good, as is foaming toothpaste!) but now I can't help but smell cinnamon and get all festive

I love opening the door at the Days of Christmas shop and as the chill of the air conditioning hits you so does the smell of cinnamon, there are some smells associated with this time of year that really don't float my boat and that includes sprouts and the relevant after effects (especially when the person creating said smell has also eaten pickled onions, beetroot and parsnips!)

There are other smells that remind me of Florida, it's totally indescribable but that smell as you walk off the plane - I would associate it with wet dog (you know what I'm talking about, it just smells damp).  How I wish I could be there now where it's 80 degrees instead of listening to the wind and rain here, well that would be perfect as long as my nearest and dearest are with me

So what would I be doing whilst there, I don't want for much really I said to James I would be happy if I could go and meet Rapunzal (yes, grown ups like characters too - just for that brief moment you can think like a child and believe in anything you want) and after that I would want to see Wishes (wouldn't that be a good Christmas present?)

Next Sunday the love of my life has a little birthday and sadly we also have to work so next weeks blog maybe a little late but fear not I am sure I will be full of Christmas cheer - I'm off to find me some ice cream xxxx

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