Sunday 24 March 2013

Just take a deep breath....

Last week there was an obvious lack of blogging on my behalf, I am not going to waste my time making excuses instead I am just going to tell it how it is; I was stressed!!!!! Poor James and Emma had put up with quite a lot including tears while shopping but thank goodness things are much better now.

The reason for my stress - planning; now I thought I loved planning as I can spend forever researching info for our holiday, browsing menus, checking the park hours and watching endless videos on youtube. But I have discovered planning is only fun when your heart is in it which it definitely wasn't last weekend as I was trying to plan 3 work events all taking place within 3 days.......

Sometimes there is only so much your brain can take and that was way too much for mine..... but now I am back to planning something I like as all the work events have happened and without too much hassle.

I say I plan but by no means is our holiday run like a military operation, I am not a laminated spread sheet kind of girl but we learnt by the mistake of our first trip (when we stayed off site) all I had done that time was read the smallest guidebook known to mankind and if I remember rightly I might even have done this on the plane and we missed so much and wasted loads of time.

There is so much to see at Walt Disney World that you need to do a little bit of research first, we always pick up a copy of Birnbaums guide book; but each to their own as this is kind of the sugar coated Disney planning book and doesn't give you ride ratings like the Unofficial Guide does; however that book is by no means light reading - it must be up to 800 pages plus now. You just need to pick what works for you...

The Unofficial guide also includes some sample touring guides to make the most of your time in the parks, but for me these are a bit too regimented although they do work for some. Personally I like to have an idea of which parks we plan to visit each day and which rides we would like to do (notice I didn't say must do!) but that is the extent of it - and the reason for this you forget to notice the little things.

Yes, WDW has 4 theme parks with some of the most incredible rides in it but if you took it on face value you would miss the detail - like the Mickey Mouse hiding in one of the houses at the Germany train set, the twinkling foot path near Spaceship Earth or the peanut impressions in the concrete in the new Storybook Circus area.

Right now I am off to do some planning by looking at pictures of it says stressed is desserts backwards; that's my excuse and I am sticking to it!

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