Sunday 7 April 2013

Who you gonna call.....

Who you gonna call......the answer is not ghostbusters, right now the answer is nobody! You would think that making a call or sending a text home from Florida would be easy with all the technology available but there is one small problem

I have a very lovely iphone (which is never far away from me) but I am not keen on using it in Florida as I have heard multiple horror stories of people coming home to massive bills and I bet you even though I am technically minded I would be one of them because I wouldn't turn off everything I needed too (last year the PAYG phone we took didn't work, so I put on my iphone and had about fifteen twitter text notifications - if I remember rightly my language was very interesting)

What are my options...well I can iMessage some of my nearest and dearest via wifi and keep in touch with my friends via Facebook but what about my olds? We do have a tracfone for making calls which fingers crossed I will be able to reactivate - although its not too much of a big deal as it was only $10 in Walmart (oh how I cant wait to wander the aisles again, crossing things off my ever growing shopping list) but you can't text home on a tracfone!

So I have spent my afternoon searching eBay for quad-band phones that I can use PAYG....and to be quite honest I have had enough; I thought the most stressful part of my holiday planning was going to be plucking up the courage to get on the flight but no; finding a phone has topped my list.

Isn't it strange to think that the first time we went that I remember standing at the pay phone feeding it quarters to call home and text messages were still quite its not uncommon to see people taking pictures on their iPads; don't event get me started on that one - I know its got a camera on it but its not something you want to carry round a theme park all day!!!!!! And you can bet when you are standing watching the fireworks you will see a few phones being held up to video them

One of the big decisions is the cost of your operator as for some of them to send a text home from the States you might as well just give them your bank account number and say help yourself. Strangely I think on my network it is cheaper to send a picture message home than a text (hmmmm does a picture message include some text.....something else to look into)

As I have just been outbid on eBay the way things are going I will end up with a couple of empty bean cans and a very long piece of string. I don't think I am asking too much, I just want to be like ET and phone home (or send the odd text)

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