Sunday 21 July 2013

Funny how time flies.....

This week has definitely been a game of two halves, on one hand there has been the day to day stuff and then something just a little out of the ordinary....

Lets start with the day to day stuff, work has been full on this week what with a trip to head office but I also had to attend a course; now I am sure you may remember I blogged a couple of weeks ago about how to avoid the heat and listening to your body well through no fault of my own I think I ended up with a bit of heat stroke and owe a lot of thanks to my lovely sister Emmie Lou for rescuing me (love you Emmie  Lou)

The course was run in a vintage village hall, you know the type basically made of tin so with this glorious weather we are having I might have well have just wrapped myself in tinfoil and popped myself in the oven and it would have been cooler but after lots of fluids, a cold bath and a little snooze I began to feel normal again (well normal for me).....anyway enough of that and on to the good stuff

This week I decided to treat myself so bagged myself some very nice Swarovski hotfix crystals, I am sure James would tell you I have enough crystals to bling up nearly everything at home but you can't beat the real thing to add that extra bit of sparkle - so this evening there is a heat gun with my name on it ready to make a t-shirt sparkle (I promise I will also work my magic on your bracelet Em)

Then today I nabbed an absolute bargain; while we were in Florida earlier this year Disney released a line of makeup. There are 2 versions beautifully disney or wickedly disney and every time I saw it in the shops I said I was going to buy it; but there was always something else to do with the money especially as the nail varnish set was around $20. So, as you do we popped into the Disney store at Bluewater today and in the sale section was my makeup and it was an absolute steal so it had to come home with me; at lunch I painted each nail a different colour or combination and don't want to take it off but I would get told off at work so know I must........I am now sitting here pondering how I can get some more

Anyway the highlight of my week has been meeting my Aussie pen friend for the first time; we started as pen friends back in 1986 when she posted an add in No1 magazine looking for fellow A-ha fans to write to her. Leo is currently over here for the cricket (she is sitting at Lord's as I type waiting for England to thrash the Aussies in the second test), and decided she would stay in Tunbridge Wells.

We have had 2 amazing evenings out this week and it has been great to finally meet her and put a face to the name; it seems strange to think that I have known her longer than I have known James and even though this is the first time we have ever met it didn't feel like it (you were right Nic and Emma)

I do wonder what impression Leo must have of me after I told her the reason I want a new tattoo of fairy wings is because I can't grow my own! Actually she probably has me figured out, I am special and proud of it.....until next week


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