Sunday 19 January 2014

First night dilemma....

I must admit to being a little fed up right now, my darling husband loves caring and sharing so he decided he would give me some germs; I know I'm such a lucky girl. If anyone would like a sleep disturbing hacking cough please let me know and I will be happy to send it your way!

So, how can I cheer myself up? I could read a trip report, look at the picture of our customised magic bands or even better when I am supposed to be watching what I eat I decide to cheer myself up by looking at pictures of Disney food (I guess as I am looking at pictures of food then I am halfway there)

This got me to ponder what would be my first meal when we get there.....our resort has a good food court - full of stuff that I really shouldn't even be thinking about; but I'm going to! For the past 2 years I have said I am going to have pizza when we arrive but the queue has been so long I have ended up with chicken nuggets; so Emmie Lou your mission should you choose to accept it is to persuade me that I can wait for said pizza and then I might stop complaining that I didn't do it

I've read loads of posts about people booking table service meals for their arrival night, which in my personal opinion if you are a UK traveller doesn't really work. After all you get to your resort at the latest about half seven which is gone midnight UK time; too late for a sit down meal. All I want to do is drop the bags off, grab a meal at the food court, take a wander (not dawdle James) round the resort and then go and chill until bed time.

It must be even worse if you have little ones, I am sure there have been loads of times when a child has fallen asleep at the table or even worse face down in their dinner.

We have been to Disney about 10 times and I think we have only gone out once on arrival night, we caught the bus to Downtown Disney and lasted all of half an hour before we were heading back to the resort. I know this is going to surprise some people but we don't even head to a park until lunchtime on our first full day there - after all why wear yourself out on the first day and ruin the rest of your holiday

Speaking of being worn out, I think I am going to try and confuse my cough by getting an early night - me and my germs wish you a fond farewell until next time (don't forget if you are interested in taking the germs of my hands I would be very grateful) xxx

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