Monday 21 July 2014

Join me in a dance.....

This week has been a pretty massive week in holiday planning world, firstly I got the your balance is due shortly email and on top of that it was time to dance. For those of you who don't frequent Disney message boards when your holiday countdown goes past certain milestones you celebrate with a dance.

So my work colleagues were a bit shocked when I randomly started dancing as we were finally into double digits - that doesn't sound like much but considering when we first started our countdown it was over 500 days and now its beginning to feel very real. Which worries me a little, you see I'm a planner and a worrier which is never a good combination (just ask Emmie Lou, she will tell you how stressed I've been over a pair of fairy wings - I will explain all next week)

What's on my mind this week - well as I just said I'm a worrier so will probably spend quite a large amount of the holiday worrying if everyone else is having a good time and that has got me thinking that we really do need to plan in some downtime so that we don't end up over stimulated and finding it all a bit too much.

But how do you relax whilst on holiday - beats me; there are the obvious things like time at the pool and shopping but when there is so much to do and so little time how do you balance making the most of your precious holiday and taking the time to enjoy it? And now I'm a little confused.....well more than normal

If I ask the bloke he will always tell me he doesn't mind and he will go with whatever we decide which drives me to distraction; but if I asked myself that same question the little voices in my head would tell me it's your holiday you won't be back for a while to hell with it and make the most of every minute!

So it looks like a planning evening is going to be in order, Emmie Lou has been once so understands how big WDW is and how much there is to do so hopefully she will have some thoughts of her own and be the voice of reason (pretty please Emmie Lou)

And James, I know you will be reading this - you need to make your mind up not just about what rides you want to do but how you want to chill out; otherwise you might just find yourself in the queue to meet Tinkerbell more than once!

So the moral of this story - holidays make me more odd than normal and you need to plan some down time on your holidays otherwise you will just come back and think if only ............ until next time xxxxx

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