Monday 7 July 2014

Dreams do come true xxx

Oh my goodness, I knew the time would come but I just wasn't prepared for it - I am having a blank moment and can't decide what to tell you about this's weird really my life is so full of Disney so you would think it would come easy but I have been sitting here staring at a blank page for a while.....

Actually maybe that's just a metaphor for life; it's just a blank page until we start filling in the words and pictures. I consider myself to be quite a creative person so you would think my pages would be brightly coloured and full of words but no it's all a bit muted (I do like making stuff though; poor James he has to put up with jewellery making, cross stitch, hot fixing - actually he should consider himself lucky I haven't blinged him yet).

But on the opposite end of the spectrum you have someone like Walt Disney who was phenomenally creative, not only did he made some of the greatest movies of all time but he dreamed of a place where families could spend time together and turned it into reality and that's how Disneyland was built.

I know that he wasn't alive to see Walt Disney World completed and the only one of the many Disney resorts across the world that he walked in was Disneyland but he won't be forgotten for the dreams that he is it wrong to be a dreamer?

Personally I say no, there is nothing wrong with keeping in touch with your inner child but maybe I am too friendly with mine....after all I don't suppose many other people my age curl up in bed on a Sunday night to watch Frozen (it was so much more appealing than the Magaluf weekender that James was watching, I guess I shouldn't complain at least it wasn't sport!)

Being a dreamer isn't just about how you feel it's also about having aspirations; I do like my job and have always said if I won the lottery I wouldn't just leave but if I'm honest it's not what I want to do if I had the choice. Every day I have different ideas that I'm going to learn how to make silver jewellery and start my own business or I could make a mountain of my Kumihimo bracelets and leave work....or I could train to be a nail technician cause I don't mind painting nails but then I'm slapped back into reality by another email

So hats off to Walt Disney who dared to dream and believe.....I'm off to believe I can think of something to tell you about next week.....sweet dreams all xxx

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