Sunday 4 August 2013

Is it bed time yet?

I am sure I am not the only person in the world who was grateful that it cooled down just a smidgen last night which meant I got my first decent nights sleep in a week. What with the warm temperatures and the storms my sleep pattern has been all over the place, which I am sure my nearest and dearest will tell you is never a good thing
I am a bit of an odd case (happy to admit it as well) lack of sleep and too much sleep basically have the same effect on me that I get all a bit hyperactive and can talk for England.....Em just think you have this to look forward to after our flight; yay for you! I would love to be one of those people who can sleep anywhere and anytime but no such luck, although a lady from work who can fall asleep at the lunch table said the only place she struggles to sleep is on flights; so is there a secret to it?

I'm not fussed about not sleeping on the way out as its just like having a late night; but its the way home that is the problem; I think the most I ever manage is about half an hour which is not worth bothering with. And this week has definitely felt the same as the first couple of days back after a holiday when everything just seems more effort

So, what have I done with my week apart from not sleep well......I have gone to work, caught up with the girls and had a birthday. I had a lovely day and was treated like a princess, but as per usual I was very  awkward and didn't know what I wanted so we went shopping......after spending a couple of hours at Lakeside I had a lovely new charm for my bracelet but I still had pennies to spend.

James must have asked me about 20 times what else I wanted, did I want the money towards the new Disney Infinity game that is coming out soon or something else? I decided on something else as I had already made up my mind that I was going to buy the game and the thing I wanted was a new bag - although finances couldn't stretch to a mulberry I did get a gorgeous one that is really me; so my Disney nerd bag is in the cupboard waiting for the cold weather to appear again (it really does have disney nerds on it, its not that I am a nerd - well maybe a little bit)

Until next week......can someone turn the light off I'm trying to sleep here  xxxx

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